The #1 Mistake Writers Make in Revision (and how you can avoid it…)
Revision Olivia Bedford Revision Olivia Bedford

The #1 Mistake Writers Make in Revision (and how you can avoid it…)

Revising your novel is essential, but too many writers make one critical mistake that can totally undercut the hard work they’re doing to revise their projects. Don’t let this mistake derail your writing process or your writing career. Read on to find out exactly what this mistake is and how you can keep yourself from making it in your next novel project!

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World Building for Pantsers
Craft Advice Olivia Bedford Craft Advice Olivia Bedford

World Building for Pantsers

Pantsing is a great way to supercharge the creativity of your story. But it can also lead to inconsistencies in your world building. Here are my best tips for building a coherent, fictional world as a pantser.

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