Plot Matters: Less Common Plot Structures
Olivia Bedford Olivia Bedford

Plot Matters: Less Common Plot Structures

Think the hero’s journey applies to every story, everywhere? In truth, it doesn’t. You have other story structure options. In this blog post, we go beyond the common story structures talked about in every writing class and craft book and explore some excellent, but less common plot structures that you can use for your books. Let’s go!

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Plot Matters: Common Plot Structures for Writers
Olivia Bedford Olivia Bedford

Plot Matters: Common Plot Structures for Writers

Curious about your plot structure options? You’re in the right place! In this post, I go over four common plot structures that you can use to plot your next novel: three act structure, Freytag’s pyramid, the hero’s journey, and save the cat. Plus, I list all the resources you’ll need to explore these plot structures in greater depth. Consider this your starting point to become a plot structure master. Let’s go!

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World Building for Plotters
Olivia Bedford Olivia Bedford

World Building for Plotters

If you’re a plotter, it’s tempting to spend months (or even years) hammering out each and every detail of your story’s world, but that may not be the best path toward your ultimate goal: a compelling, engaging story. Read on for tips that can help you build a world for your story rather than a story for your world.

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