3 Resources for Improving LGBTQIA+ Representation in Your Stories
Olivia Bedford Olivia Bedford

3 Resources for Improving LGBTQIA+ Representation in Your Stories

Even if you set out to write diverse, realistic characters, it’s easy for stereotypes and harmful tropes to show up in our novels - especially if we’re not consciously trying to avoid them. In this blog post, I round up three great resources that can help you write LGBTQIA+ characters with sensitivity, respect, and nuance. Happy Pride!!

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Revising for Change: The Four C’s - Part 4
Revision, Craft Advice Olivia Bedford Revision, Craft Advice Olivia Bedford

Revising for Change: The Four C’s - Part 4

At a fundamental level, stories are about one thing: change. Whether it’s your main character, supporting cast, or the story world itself, something should be different when we get to the end of your story. In this blog post, learn how to evaluate the change (or lack thereof) in your novel so that you can write a story that impacts readers long after they reach “the end.”

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Reverse Outlining: What, Why, and How
Olivia Bedford Olivia Bedford

Reverse Outlining: What, Why, and How

You know that you can use an outline to write your novel. But did you know that you can also use an outline to revise your novel? That’s the magic of a reverse outline! In this blog post, I explain exactly what a reverse outline is and how you can use it to revise efficiently and effectively.

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3 Strategies for Layering Your Revisions
Olivia Bedford Olivia Bedford

3 Strategies for Layering Your Revisions

Revision can be overwhelming. To combat that overwhelm, I recommend layering in your revisions. But what does that even mean? In this blog post, I explain exactly what layering revisions means and how you can apply this strategy to your own novel-in-progress.

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Revision Tips from a Developmental Editor
Olivia Bedford Olivia Bedford

Revision Tips from a Developmental Editor

As a developmental editor, I have a lot of thoughts on revision. It’s my job to help writers master this part of the writing process. In this blog post, I let you behind the scenes with all of my top tips for revising your novel without losing your mind in the process. Read on for the exact tips I share with my clients to help them create the best books possible!

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The #1 Mistake Writers Make in Revision (and how you can avoid it…)
Revision Olivia Bedford Revision Olivia Bedford

The #1 Mistake Writers Make in Revision (and how you can avoid it…)

Revising your novel is essential, but too many writers make one critical mistake that can totally undercut the hard work they’re doing to revise their projects. Don’t let this mistake derail your writing process or your writing career. Read on to find out exactly what this mistake is and how you can keep yourself from making it in your next novel project!

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Plot Matters: Less Common Plot Structures
Olivia Bedford Olivia Bedford

Plot Matters: Less Common Plot Structures

Think the hero’s journey applies to every story, everywhere? In truth, it doesn’t. You have other story structure options. In this blog post, we go beyond the common story structures talked about in every writing class and craft book and explore some excellent, but less common plot structures that you can use for your books. Let’s go!

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Do you need to hire an editor? It depends on your publishing goals.
Olivia Bedford Olivia Bedford

Do you need to hire an editor? It depends on your publishing goals.

Considering whether you should hire an editor for your book? The decision ultimately comes down to your publishing goals. Whether you want to self-publish or get a contract from a publisher, read on to find out what kind of editors you’ll need to make your writing dreams come true.

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Dear Writer: Save the Cat Won’t Save You.
Olivia Bedford Olivia Bedford

Dear Writer: Save the Cat Won’t Save You.

Story structure is key, but structure systems are a tool for writers to use, not an ironclad set of rules to apply indiscriminately. Used incorrectly, story structure systems can hamper your process and even keep you from writing. Read on to learn more about how you can use story structure systems responsibly.

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Writing Advice Unpacked: Stick to One POV Character
Olivia Bedford Olivia Bedford

Writing Advice Unpacked: Stick to One POV Character

Writing a novel means making decisions. One crucial choice you have to make: the point of view for your novel. Beginning writers are often told to choose one POV character, but that doesn’t work for all stories and genres. Read on to find out why you should or shouldn’t limit yourself to one POV character in your novel.

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Writing Advice Unpacked: Kill Your Darlings, Not Your Story
Olivia Bedford Olivia Bedford

Writing Advice Unpacked: Kill Your Darlings, Not Your Story

“Kill your darlings.” Writers, editors, and agents love throwing that line out there. It’s an attention grabber. But what the heck does it actually mean? Read on to find out what this advice really means and when it does (or doesn’t) apply to your writing process.

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Writing Advice Unpacked: Should You Start with a Character Waking Up?
Olivia Bedford Olivia Bedford

Writing Advice Unpacked: Should You Start with a Character Waking Up?

Writing teachers love to speak in absolutes. Simple maxims help sell books or courses or workshops, but the truth is often more complicated. When it comes to beginnings, there are tons of rules to follow. Let’s unpack one: starting with a character waking up. Is it a iron-clad, never do that? Not quite. Read on to find out why.

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