15 Tools That Will Re-Energize Your 2024 Writing Goals
Olivia Bedford Olivia Bedford

15 Tools That Will Re-Energize Your 2024 Writing Goals

Early January is all about big dreams for the upcoming year. Late January is all about that dead-of-winter reality check. No, we didn’t magically become newer, better versions of ourselves on January 1st. But that doesn’t mean you can’t achieve your goals. Take the long view and make sure you set yourself up for success by investing in the tools that will help you make your writing dreams come true. In this post, I round up 15 tools that are helping me make progress on all of my writing goals. Enjoy!

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World Building for Plotters
Olivia Bedford Olivia Bedford

World Building for Plotters

If you’re a plotter, it’s tempting to spend months (or even years) hammering out each and every detail of your story’s world, but that may not be the best path toward your ultimate goal: a compelling, engaging story. Read on for tips that can help you build a world for your story rather than a story for your world.

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Dear Writer: Save the Cat Won’t Save You.
Olivia Bedford Olivia Bedford

Dear Writer: Save the Cat Won’t Save You.

Story structure is key, but structure systems are a tool for writers to use, not an ironclad set of rules to apply indiscriminately. Used incorrectly, story structure systems can hamper your process and even keep you from writing. Read on to learn more about how you can use story structure systems responsibly.

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Writing Advice Unpacked: Stick to One POV Character
Olivia Bedford Olivia Bedford

Writing Advice Unpacked: Stick to One POV Character

Writing a novel means making decisions. One crucial choice you have to make: the point of view for your novel. Beginning writers are often told to choose one POV character, but that doesn’t work for all stories and genres. Read on to find out why you should or shouldn’t limit yourself to one POV character in your novel.

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How to chase your writing dreams without despair
Olivia Bedford Olivia Bedford

How to chase your writing dreams without despair

I’m big on setting goals, but it’s important that your goals serve your writing process. If your goals are starting to make you feel defeated rather than inspired, then it’s time to change your approach.

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